Tag ~science fiction

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Five Martian miscues to fix in space flicks

GeekWire Calendar Picks: Science fiction literature biases in AI and helping businesses go global

GeekWire Calendar Picks: The GeekWire Bash is a week away International Womens Day and the future of Star Trek

GeekWire Calendar Picks: Silicon Valleys impact on America National Day of Civic Hacking and more

From augmented reality to fake news: Five glimpses of the future from scifi author Neal Stephenson

5 tech twists from Ready Player One Steven Spielbergs film about gamings past and VRs future

Sciencefiction master Ted Chiang explores the rights and wrongs of AI

Book excerpt: Neal Stephensons Fall foretells the future of Seattles South Lake Union tech hub

Science fiction publishers are being flooded with AIgenerated stories

Banana standoff at Amazon used to promote IGIST a scifi novel and app created by Axon president

Star Wars fans kick off their biggest holiday weekend for The Last Jedi

GeekWire Calendar Picks: Susan Fowler talks about her book the science of making alcohol and more

How do we connect a child to technology

A nerds tour of the Seattle Art Fair: Fighting robots animated neurons and flying art debris

Author Nick Montfort tells us how to define the future

How science fiction can predict the future and help tech innovators make better decisions

Sciencefiction master Neal Stephenson blends high tech and high fantasy in Fall

3D Printing Among Practical Effects Used to Help Stranger Things Monstrous Demogorgon Take Shape

GeekWire Calendar Picks: Women in leadership science fiction convention API conference more

Firstever Nebula award for game writers approved by professional science fiction writers organization

Interview: Sciencefiction master Neal Stephenson blends high tech and high fantasy in Fall

5 tech twists from Ready Player One Steven Spielbergs film about VR and nostalgia for the 80s